sky diving (my version of the #10yearchallenge)

by | Dec 3, 2018 | #tbt, Random thought | 1 comment

#tbt december 2008. London, UK

Learning. Writing. Family. Nature. Travelling. Fun. Italian food. Spanish men. French desserts.

Is there a better therapy in the whole world? I don’t think so.

Still wondering how I got lucky and somehow got myself a ticket to the best experience of my life. I hope I am not going over the top with this assumption, but I just think at least, for the almost quarter of a century I have lived. It was.

The last 2 months, I’ve been writing and writing. ‘Flexing my muscles’ (not meaning the ones in my body of course, those have been very busy RESTING lately), that’s what I’ve been doing with every exercise I have to do as an assignment of my courses.

So even though I’ve written a lot… in a black leather notebook a very special person gave me… I don’t think it’s worth it to fill you in the details of my last months in this beautiful –freezing- 4 pm sun setting island. I think it’s better to do it inviting good tequila to our conversation. Always good tequila. It makes everything better. Almost.

I wanted to tell you, you’re on and in my mind and I miss you.

I bloody miss you.

Forgive my absence. My lack of e-mails and my silence for some time. Hope you understand the hectic life in such an incredible city.

That’s the only thing I wanted you to know as I approach the city that has seen me grow. The same city I strangely feel to have outgrown.

I feel I am flying in a big green parachute… since last weekend in Madrid I feel I am almost back home with all the Mexicans living there. The accent, the people, the minds, square, others not so much… and in that parachute I am flying down slowly… observing everything, regaining perspective of the country, the city, topics and priorities… (catching up with all these is the best way to make sure not to compromise mine.)

I am actually very happy to go back….(sometimes I do a strange face as I am flying down the parachute… and my feet toes occasionally tend to point upward like trying to stop from going down… but it’s okay… it’s just a common feeling I’ve confronted once. Most of the times… I am looking forward to a very smooth landing.

After all, December in Monterrey is always fun. And as a vacation, it should be even better.

I must say I’ve been having relentless thoughts of meeting baby Pedro, drinking a clamato with Indio basically, eating tacos gobernador (loads), observing the Sierra Madre at 6 PM and afterwards watching a good movie with huge popcorn and ponpons in a movie theatre ( I haven’t’ done that in months). I don’t ask for much right? I never do.

But, of course, I don’t picture myself doing any of these without you. Please be there. Feel free to join me.

Countdown. 10 days to go…

That means I’ll be going out todaytomorrowfridaysaturdaysundaymondaytuesdaywednesdaythursdayfridaysaturday….

Shit. That’s it.

I’d better get going.

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