I don’t own anything


Click without sound.

My thumb is scrolling up.

Suddenly I started feeling stressed.

I don’t own anything.

I don’t own my religion, because I am open to spirituality as a whole. And sometimes it is difficult to fit in.

I don’t own a perfect body or follow a specific fitness routine that I would care to show online…

Scrolling up.

I don’t own an addiction to makeup (does Sephora count?) or a deep passion for food (although I invest a lot of thought in everything my family and I consume.

I am not involved in any humanitarian advocacy group or am I a radical about any specific topic.

Scrolling up.

I don’t own anything so bad, not even my kids. They are their own selves and I hope they will always be their own person.

Maybe I should get a dog so I could consider myself a dog owner.

This all came to me while I was Instagraming looking at the images and videos of people I look up to and admire in different ways. It was just one of those days when I was feeling a bit down.

But then, I realized I own my mind and my own voice. I own my words. I own me.

I simply acknowledged I own me. With all my imperfections and sometimes unstable hormones.

I own my ideas and thoughts. I know and accept myself at all levels and that is the way I own ME every single day. Staying true to myself.

Accepting the fact that I like vintage markets more than malls. I love the outdoors and nature. I respect all animals (except mosquitoes and cucarachas). I believe in love as a decision and way of life not a concept. I believe kindness makes a difference and can change the world. I drink beer from the bottle and enjoy writing and reading. I prefer tea rather than coffee. I am not into routines and firm schedules… I believe we all need inspiration as well as friends and laughter for our souls to thrive. My weak spot is a terrace with a view (and some wine). Discussing politics reminds me I am an adult and every choice matters. Melancholy is my companion and transcendence is my most profound aspiration.

I own my relationships and my inner peace.

And I am enough.

Click with a sound.

Good night, me.


“Your mind is an instrument. Dont let it play you.” Author Unknown




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Laura Mazal
5 years ago

Si, es rarito y lo seguimos haciendo, casi inconsciente sin pensarlo, tengo mis cartas privadas y me quedo con ellas, son mi tesoro y son las que me ayudan a seguir adelante!

Laura Mazal
5 years ago

Me encanta leerte, te siento cuando te leo!

5 years ago

I love reading you…. really good!!!
And you should own a dog!! 😂

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