“I had a day dream four years ago”, I said to my kids while they were brushing their teeth.

“I dreamt we were going around The Woodlands’ lakes riding our bikes together”, I continued as my youngest son, Jacobo, asked: “with Aspen too?” “Mmm, actually no” … I said, “ in that particular dream it was just the four of us, but I’m happy she is part of our family. “In your dream, was my bike a balance bike or a big boy bike” Ricardo wondered. “In my dream we were all riding our big bikes, with pedals and brakes and everything… wearing our helmets of course. And you know what? Today that dream came true. We were riding together our bikes for the first time.

Ricardo’s blue eyes opened wide and they were both smiling. I could tell by their expression they were thinking about all of us riding our bikes earlier today.

“It was very special for me. Thanks for making my dream come true.”

I think sometimes it is nice to remind our children that some dreams may seem smaller than others in terms of accomplishment but the value they have in our heart is much bigger than any other.

In a world where we are being inspired every day to DREAM BIG OR GO HOME, our kids should also learn that dreams that seem small can bring immense happiness and that some dreams actually come true at home; those are the ones that become cherished memories which make us infinitely grateful.

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