I am 35 and I’ve never felt so good. So free.
I am no longer over-analyzing, over-thinking things and being over controlling. I am free from all the BS.

Today I turn 35 and I feel like I’m steadily ascending to the top of my learning curve on how to be healthy from within. Physically, mentally and spiritually. (Learning doesn’t mean dominating. Although we never stop learning and health tendencies are always changing, at least I know where I want to be, and I’ll be working on it daily for the rest of my life.)

I spend hours of my week building physical endurance but understanding that emotional endurance is equally important. I try to spend my time more wisely and be more focused on my goals. I tend to be scatter minded and I think I will always be, the difference is nowadays I care about less things and less people (not to be obnoxious, but you know what I mean), I know I’m right beside the ones who matter to me.

Today I am happy knowing that small actions build up to something bigger. Today I love deeply and unselfishly. Having been around the sun 35 times, I feel I have a greater understanding about my feelings and my many issues, whether or not they are controllable. I have learned to be mindful of the ones I can’t control and slowly let them go.

Today I can sit in my car and listen to one of my favorite 90s song (which I loved as a teenager)…knowing I am a little bit of all of them.

You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, You gotta be wiser.
You gotta be hard, You gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger.
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together.
All I know, all I know, love will save the day

(for my younger friends and cousins:


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