A good friend is cheaper than therapy

by | Jul 31, 2019 | A mis treintaytantos | 1 comment

“A good friend is cheaper than therapy.” That’s the phrase printed on a mug that my bf gave me a few years ago. When I saw it, I thought not only is it cheaper, it’s better.

4 years later I know in order to have peace of my mind and maintain my mental health it takes daily minutes of meditation, several healing therapy sessions, me time, hubby time, family time, of course yoga, creative outlets, but I’m sure without real friends achieving that goal wouldn’t be possible.

Here I find myself, keeping my friendships alive and well. “Watering the 🌱”. Like anything we care about, we have to spend the time to nurture it, but mostly, make the extra effort. When you fail, that’s when the friendship spirals downward… it’s nobody’s fault, it’s just life. The extra effort for me is calling every so often, not just texting…( I know, who does that?) arranging a Facetime call every once in a while and trying to arrange dinner/coffee/beer together, even voice notes will work to reconnect! Loooong ones. 😬 The extra effort means showing up, following up and sending the love.

My friends have seen me when I’m up and when I’m down, sober and really drunk, on my bubbly days and when I’m at my worst (PMS)… I’m lucky to have them, even if we are an 8 hour drive apart and in different countries, the universe is still helping us, holding us close. (I don’t have pictures with all of you… but you know who you are). Do you have long distance friends that you love and cherish? How do you keep showing the ❤️?

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